Why Your Interior Design Company Needs an Intranet


If you’re running an interior design company it could be time to cut down on your emails and meetings. It’s time to streamline communications and work more efficiently. That’s where an intranet comes in.

An Intranet Explained

So, what is an intranet? An intranet is a private communication network that enterprises use to share computing resources and company information among workers or employees. It’s a powerful tool yet an unsung hero of the modern workplace toolkit. Forget about those old, clunky, and ugly nineties platforms full of outdated files and difficult to navigate. We’re talking about a robust employee tool that’s more engaging, easy to navigate, and aesthetically pleasing. Truth be told- intranets have evolved over time to keep up with the dynamics of the corporate world.

Four Benefits of an Intranet

So, why would you need an intranet in your interior design firm? What are the benefits? Well, let’s take a look.

Improved Internal Communication

A modern intranet enhances communications across your company to help:

  • Teams hold open discussions
  • Departments provide updates
  • Leadership stay in touch
  • Employees share knowledge

The best part is that communication is two-way traffic; everyone in your enterprise can share articles and information, and anyone can reply or comment. This way, an intranet ensures proper communication by bringing it into one place and empowering employees with company knowledge and a voice.

Provides Company Clarity

Having a modern company intranet with dynamic and clear organization charts will provide clarity on the set-up and shape of your business. Other features like individual profiles and bios add vital layers to this clarity, helping your employees to best understand the responsibilities and roles of every individual in your company.

Increased Productivity

Ask any company executive, and they will tell you that poor communication impacts productivity negatively. With a dedicated employee communication platform, information sharing is easy and efficient. Did you know that employees spend hours daily sending and receiving emails? An intranet is a more effective option for your company’s wide information sharing. This means your employees can use the time saved to work on other tasks. And intranets also make it easy for employees to find information. They don’t have to walk to another department to find information. This is another way of saving time.

Connects Your Business Across Time Zones and Locations

In most cases, intranets aim to become central online hubs for companies. Your company conversations will take place here, and it’s where company news is shared. An intranet is also the place where your company events will be planned. As such, an intranet will bring together multi-location teams. With each employee able to see what is happening throughout your company, irrespective of their location, everything will run smoothly.
